

1Pedro Leite de Melo Filho

2Daiana Kloh Khalaf

3Kariane Gomes Cezario Roscoche

4Marcus Vinicius da Rocha Santos da Silva


1Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0102-5619.

2Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5770-7523.

3Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2097-2478

4Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5905-6434


Corresponding author

Pedro Leite de Melo Filho

Rua: Benjamin Constant, 242, apto 75, Centro - Curitiba – PR – Brazil. CEP 80060-020, +55 (41) 99954-4280.
E-mail: pedromelofilho56@gmail.com


Submission: 14-07-2024

Approval: 26-12-2024



Introduction: Professional master's degrees in nursing have contributed to the professional qualification of nurses, through the development of products and practices based on the needs of health services, where these professionals are inserted. Aim: To characterize master's degree courses in nursing in the professional modality in Brazil. Methodology: Bibliometric research carried out on the websites of the country's 24 postgraduate nursing programs, professional master's degree, between May and July 2023. The data was organized in an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed using simple descriptive statistics.  Results and Discussion: In the 2017-2020 quadrennium, there was notable growth in professional master's courses, with emphasis on the Northeast, South and Southeast regions, where seven programs were established. The North and Central-West regions, in turn, presented two and one program, respectively. Each postgraduate program focuses on a specific area, with an emphasis on care and covers approximately two lines of research.  One program emphasizes advanced nursing practices. Conclusions: Professional master's degrees in nursing are essential for the professional training of nurses, in addition to contributing to the field of care practice. The information collected and discussed provides a general overview of these courses, allowing the strengthening and development of new programs.

Keywords: Postgraduate Nursing Education; Nursing; Vocational Education; Scientific research.



Introducción: Las maestrías profesionales en enfermería han contribuido a la calificación profesional del enfermero, a través del desarrollo de productos y prácticas basadas en las necesidades de los servicios de salud, donde se insertan estos profesionales. Objetivo: Caracterizar las carreras de maestría en enfermería en la modalidad profesional en Brasil. Metodología: Investigación bibliométrica realizada en los sitios web de los 24 programas de posgrado en enfermería, maestría profesional del país, entre mayo y julio de 2023. Los datos se organizaron en una hoja de cálculo Excel y se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva simple.  Resultados y Discusión: En el cuatrienio 2017-2020, hubo un crecimiento notable en las maestrías profesionales, con énfasis en las regiones Nordeste, Sur y Sudeste, donde se establecieron siete programas. Las regiones Norte y Centro-Oeste, por su parte, presentaron dos y un programa, respectivamente. Cada programa de posgrado se enfoca en un área específica, con énfasis en la atención y cubre aproximadamente dos líneas de investigación.  Un programa enfatiza las prácticas avanzadas de enfermería. Conclusiones: Las maestrías profesionales en enfermería son fundamentales para la formación profesional de las enfermeras, además de contribuir al campo de la práctica del cuidado. La información recopilada y discutida brinda una visión general de estos cursos, permitiendo el fortalecimiento y desarrollo de nuevos programas.

Palabras clave: Educación de Posgrado en Enfermería; Enfermería; Educación Vocacional; Investigación Científica.



Introdução: Os mestrados profissionais em enfermagem têm contribuído na qualificação profissional dos enfermeiros, por meio do desenvolvimento de produtos e práticas a partir das necessidades dos serviços de saúde, onde esses profissionais estão inseridos. Objetivo: Caracterizar os cursos de mestrado em enfermagem na modalidade profissional no Brasil. Metodologia: Pesquisa bibliométrica realizada nos websites dos 24 programas de pós-graduação em enfermagem do país, modalidade mestrado profissional, entre maio e julho de 2023. Os dados foram organizados em uma planilha no Excel e analisados por estatística descritiva simples.  Resultados e Discussão: No quadriênio 2017-2020, observou-se um crescimento notável nos cursos de mestrado profissional, com destaque para as regiões Nordeste, Sul e Sudeste, onde foram estabelecidos sete programas. As regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste, por sua vez, apresentaram dois e um programa, respectivamente. Cada programa de pós-graduação se concentra em uma área específica, com ênfase no cuidado e abrange cerca de duas linhas de pesquisa.  Um programa enfatiza as práticas avançadas em enfermagem. Conclusões:  Os mestrados profissionais em enfermagem são essenciais para a formação profissional dos enfermeiros, além de contribuírem no campo da prática assistencial. As informações coletadas e discutidas proporcionam um panorama geral desses cursos, permitindo o fortalecimento e desenvolvimento de novos programas.

Palavras-chave: Educação de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem; Enfermagem; Educação Profissionalizante; Pesquisa Científica.




Stricto sensu postgraduate studies, through master's and doctoral courses, are classified as academic and professional programs. In recent years, there has been an increase in professional courses/programs in all areas of knowledge. These courses aim to qualify workers to directly meet market demands, since the products resulting from studies arise from problems in the service in which nurses work (1).

 In the area of nursing, professional master's degrees (MP) offered by postgraduate programs have contributed to strengthening the profession. The courses prepare nurses for professional practice, providing theoretical and technical knowledge for specialized work. This has expanded the production of knowledge in the field of nursing (2).

 It is important to highlight the participation of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and the National Research Council (CNPQ) and have contributed to the financing of research within universities, in addition to training human resources in other countries. In this context, a partnership between CAPES and the Federal Nursing Council (COFEN) was signed in 2016, guaranteeing investments for the training of 500 nurses. This initiative continues today: nurses from various regions of the country conduct research through CAPES/COFEN calls for proposals (3,4).

 It can be seen that between 2011 and 2020, there was a rapid growth in the number of professional master's courses in nursing, reaching 24 courses in 2019, in addition to the approval of two professional doctorate courses. However, it is important to note that, despite this progress, investment in technological innovation is still not significant in postgraduate programs (5).

 In addition to this, there is a lack of public investment by the State, accompanied by a reduction in resources allocated to postgraduate programs. Another challenge identified is related to the lack of time available on the part of professionals for their training, as the service often does not allow for this dedication. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning the lack of technical and scientific knowledge necessary to conduct research on technological advances, since nursing training often does not adequately address this field of technological innovations (6).

 In view of the above, the advancement of professional master's degrees in nursing in the country and their relevance to nursing care practice can be observed. However, this type of training is new in the stricto sensu postgraduate course. For this reason, the authors proposed a bibliometric study, which had the following objectives: To characterize professional master's courses in nursing in Brazil.




This is a bibliometric study that stands out for its evaluation of scientific productions, aiming at the development of reliable indicators. In the area of nursing, this research approach has experienced notable growth, being used by researchers to evaluate the nature, quality and characteristics of scientific materials (7,8).

 Data collection took place between May and July 2023 on the websites of the 24 postgraduate programs in nursing, professional master's degree modality, all located in Brazil. The names of the programs were compiled from the CAPES report for the four-year period 2017-2020.

 For data collection, an instrument was created in Google Forms, containing the following variables: Name of the course and postgraduate program, University where the program is located, Year of approval, total number of permanent professors in the last four-year evaluation, profession of the professors (Nurse, Doctor, Biologist, Physiotherapist and Nutritionist or others), Objectives, Area of concentration, Lines of research, Grade for the 2017-2020 Quadrennial and Region of the country where the program is located.

 To provide support in data collection, the Sucupira Platform was used to check the postgraduate programs and their registration, in addition to the year of approval. Finally, the Lattes CV was searched on the Lattes platform (page), to identify the initial training of the professors of the programs.

 With the data collected, they were organized in an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed using simple descriptive statistics. Since this is a study developed on the websites of the postgraduate programs, no eligibility criteria were adopted and no time frame was defined.




A The Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), in its report for the four-year period 2017-2020, presents a total of 24 Postgraduate Programs in the professional modality in the area of nursing, distributed throughout the Brazilian territory.

 In the Northeast, South and Southeast regions, seven programs were identified in each of them, which represents 29.11% respectively in each area. In the North Region, the presence of two programs was found, corresponding to 8.33% of the total, while in the Central-West Region, a single program contributes with 4.11% of the total.

 The registered MPs in the area of nursing began in Brazil in 2006, representing 4.17% of the total programs throughout the period analyzed. In 2009, a second program was established, corresponding to 4.17% of the total. The expansion continued in the following years, with the creation of three programs in each of the years 2011 and 2012, representing 12.50% and 12.50%, respectively. The growth persisted, and in 2013, four new courses were founded, representing 16.67% of the total. In 2014, one program was added, corresponding to 4.17% of the total, followed by four new courses in 2015, representing 16.67% of the total. In the subsequent years, from 2016 to 2018, two programs were established annually, corresponding to 8.33% each year. Finally, in 2019, with the creation of three new master's courses in nursing, totaling 12.50% of the total of 24 programs. In the 2017-2020 four-year period, 45.83% of the programs obtained a grade of 4, followed by 12.50% with a grade of 5 and 41.67% with a grade of 3 (according to TABLE 1).         

Regarding the grade in the four-year period and the number of permanent and collaborating faculty (according to TABLE 1), it was not possible to establish a correlation between the number of faculty and the program grade.


Table 1 - Characterization of professional master's courses in nursing.  

Program Name

University that is inserted

Quadrennium Note

Number of permanent professors

Number of collaborating professors

Professional Master's Degree in Nursing in Primary Health Care

Santa Catarina State University (UDESC) 



Postgraduate Program in Nursing – Professional Master's Degree  

Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (UFCSPA) 


Professional Master's Degree in Maternal and Child Health  

Franciscana University (UFN) 


Professional Master's Degree in Nursing  

University of the Sinos River Valley (Unisinos) 


Postgraduate Program in Public Health Nursing (ProEnSP) 

Amazonas State University (UEA)




Postgraduate Program in Nursing in the Amazon Context

Amazonas Federal University (UFA) 



Postgraduate Program in Health and Society  

Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) 


Professional Master's Degree in Nursing  

University of São Paulo Júlio de Mesquita Filho (Unesp) 


Master in Family Health

Uninovafapi University Center (Uninovafapi) 


Postgraduate Program in Health and Technology in the Hospital Space

Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Unirio) 


Professional Master's Degree in Nursing in Primary Health Care in the Unified Health System – MPAPS 

University of São Paulo (USP) 


Postgraduate Program in Health Care Practice  

Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) 




Postgraduate Program in Nursing Care Management

Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) 


Professional Master's Degree in Health Informatics

Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) 


Professional Master's Degree in Family Health  

Nova Esperança College (FACENI) 


Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences  

Foundation for Teaching and Research in Health Sciences (FEPECS) 


Professional Master's Degree in Nursing

State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS) 




Postgraduate Program in Nursing  

Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) 


Professional Master's Program in Nursing

Santa Cruz State University (UESC) 


Professional Master's Degree in Nursing Assistance

 Fluminense Federal University (UFF) 



Postgraduate Program in Gerontology  

Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) 


Professional Master's Degree in Health Education  

Albert Einstein Israelite College of Health Sciences  


Professional Master's Degree in Technology and Innovation in Nursing

Universit of Fortaleza (UniFo) 



Source: Research data (2024).


Another aspect that should be taken into consideration refers to the areas of concentration and lines of research that make up the programs. In the following table, the postgraduate programs in nursing, in the MP modality, were organized together with their areas of concentration and lines of research.


Table 2 – Areas of concentration and lines of research of professional master's programs in nursing in Brazil.  

Program Name  

Concentration area 

Lines of research  

Professional Master's Degree in Nursing in Primary Health Care (UDESC) 

Health promotion in Primary Care.  

1- Care Technologies (TC);  

2- Work Management and Health Education (GTES). 

Postgraduate Program in Nursing – Professional Master's Degree  


1- Nursing care technologies in health care;


2- Information technologies, management and health education.

Professional Master's Degree in Maternal and Child Health  

Maternal and Child Health  

1- Comprehensive care for maternal, neonatal and child health;


2- Organization and management of the maternal and child health care network.  

Postgraduate Program in Health Care Practice  

Professional Nursing Practice.  

1- Management of Health and Nursing Services;


2- Policies and Practices in Education, Health and Nursing;


3- Process of Care in Health and Nursing;


4- Technology and Innovation for Care in Health and Nursing.

Programa de Pós-Graduação Gestão do Cuidado em Enfermagem 

Gestão do cuidado em saúde e enfermagem. 

1- Tecnologia em Saúde e Enfermagem;  

2- Gestão e gerência em saúde e enfermagem;  

3- O cuidado e o processo de viver, ser saudável, adoecer e morrer. 

Mestrado profissional em informática em saúde 

Informática em saúde. 

1- Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação em Saúde/eSaúde;  

2- Telessaúde. 

Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem 

Práticas do cuidado em enfermagem. 

1- Cuidado em saúde e enfermagem;  

2- Educação em Saúde. 

Mestrado Profissional em Saúde da Família 

Gestão e Tecnologias do Cuidado em Saúde da Família. 

1- Atenção e gestão do cuidado em saúde;  

2- Saberes, práticas e tecnologias do cuidado em saúde. 

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências para a Saúde 

Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde. 

1- Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde da Mulher;   

2- Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde do Adulto. 

Professional Master's Degree in Health Education  

Education and Health.  

1- Curriculum, Teaching and Education in Health;


2- Teaching Practices in Health.  

Postgraduate Program in Public Health Nursing (ProEnSP) 

Nursing Practices in Public Health in the Amazon.  

1- Care and epidemiology technologies as tools for public health nursing practices and;


2- Social and Educational Technologies as instruments for health promotion, conducted by teachers/researchers with experiences compatible with the proposal.

Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem 


 1 - Assessment and management of health care, policies, programs and services;


2 - Care for populations at risk and vulnerable in the health-disease process.

Postgraduate Program in Nursing in the Amazon Context  

Advanced clinical practice in Amazonian nursing.

1- Nursing care applied to Amazonian peoples;


2- Nursing management in the Amazonian context.

Postgraduate Program in Nursing  

Health Care and Administration.

1. Nursing care in the human development process;


2. Organization and evaluation of health care systems.

Professional Master's Degree in Nursing Assistance

Nursing care processes.  

1 – Nursing care for human groups: development of studies on the nursing process in practice settings for the care of individuals, families and communities;


2 – Technology, Innovation and Management of the Health Care Process: development of studies on the creation and incorporation of products and processes in nursing care. Management of health services and management of nursing care.  

Postgraduate Program in Gerontology  


1- Aging and innovative technologies for elderly care;


2- Policies and practices in health care and aging.

Postgraduate Program in Health and Society

Knowledge and Practices in Health and Education.

1-Epidemiology, surveillance and health care;


2-Knowledge and management practices in health and education.  

Professional Master's Degree in Nursing  

Nursing Practice.

1- Management and Administration in Health and Nursing;


2- Care Process in Health and Nursing.

Professional Master's Degree in Technology and Innovation in Nursing  

Tecnologias do Cuidar em Enfermagem. 

1- Technologies in the Complexity of Nursing Care;


2- Technologies for Nursing Care in Primary Care.

Master in Family Health  

Family health.

1- Family health in the life cycle;


2- Management of health services and training of human resources in family health care.  

Programa de Pós-graduação em Saúde e Tecnologia no Espaço Hospitalar 

Health and technology in the hospital space.  

1- Health Policies and Technologies in the Hospital Space;


2- Health care in the hospital space - diagnosis, treatment, intervention.  

Professional Master's Degree in Nursing in Primary Health Care in the Unified Health System – MPAPS 

Primary health care care. 

1- Care Processes in Primary Health Care;


2- Innovative Technologies Aimed at Care in Primary Health Care.

Professional Master's Degree in Technology and Innovation in Nursing  

Technology and Innovation in Nursing. 

1-Innovation in Health and Nursing Management;


2- Technology and Innovation in Health and Nursing Management;


3- Technology and Innovation in Nursing Education.

Professional Master's Program in Nursing

Nursing and health care process. 

1- Nursing care in the human development process;


2- Management, Planning and Organization Processes of Nursing and Health Care.

Source: Research data (2024).




The data reveal a significant growth of nursing master's degrees in Brazil, strengthening the area as a profession and scientific field, playing an essential role in the complete and in-depth training of nurses, covering various aspects of health and consolidating nursing as a prominent science and profession throughout the country.

 A significant concentration of professional master's programs in nursing was observed in the South, Southeast and Northeast regions, each with seven programs, totaling 29.11% of each region. The North region has two programs, which is equivalent to 8.33%, while the Central-West contributes 4.17% in relation to the total number of professional master's courses in nursing. This may indicate a need for incentives so that these courses expand in a more balanced manner throughout the national territory.

 The growth and strengthening of master's programs in Brazil is supported by the increase in the number of stricto sensu postgraduate programs in the professional modality, accompanied by an increase in scientific production, reflected in publications in high-impact journals (9).

 In the 2021 quadrennial assessment, the analysis of the grades assigned to professional master's programs in nursing in Brazil reveals a notable diversification of concepts. Approximately 45.83% of the programs obtained a grade of 4, indicating satisfactory performance according to the criteria established by CAPES, which reflects satisfactory standards of academic and scientific excellence in almost half of the programs. In contrast, approximately 41.67% of the programs received a grade of 3, signaling intermediate performance and areas susceptible to improvement to achieve a higher level of quality. The implementation of improvement strategies can contribute to raising academic and scientific performance, seeking a future evaluation with a higher grade (10).

 On the other hand, 12.50% of the programs obtained a grade of 5, representing excellent and outstanding performance, demonstrating a solid commitment to excellence in nursing training and research. These results highlight the importance of ongoing policies and practices aimed at improving the quality of professional master's programs in nursing, contributing to the advancement of the field and the training of highly qualified professionals (10).

 The evaluation of professional master's programs is crucial for the consolidation of this type of education in Brazil. The evaluation criteria address the program's proposal, faculty and students, final projects, intellectual production, and social inclusion (11).

 With regard to the grade in the four-year period and the number of permanent and collaborating faculty, it was not possible to establish a correlation between the number of faculty and the program's grade.

 It is important to note that a minority of the programs received a grade of 5, reflecting the gradual maturation of professional master's programs, especially in technological production and innovation, as well as in the understanding and application of final projects in professional practice (1). Likewise, the grades obtained suggest that, despite the general guidelines provided by CAPES, there are variations in the performance of specific courses.

 When examining the teaching staff of nursing MPs, we can see a range of permanent teachers between 08 and 34 members. The Professional Master's Degree in Health Education, located in the Southeast region, stands out with 34 teachers, and the MP in nursing in the South region, with the lowest number. However, there is a small number of collaborating teachers, with 50% of the programs having no collaborating members. Regarding the teaching profession (100%) are nursing professionals, followed by doctors, physiotherapists, nutritionists, dentists, in addition to other professions such as architecture and urban planning, biostatistics, biological sciences and bachelor's degrees in law.

 The predominant presence of nursing teachers, accompanied by professionals from different areas, fosters an interdisciplinary approach to teaching, enriching the training of students by offering varied and complementary perspectives for nursing practice. This diverse faculty expands students' horizons, bringing complementary perspectives to the field of nursing and is aligned with CAPES Ordinance No. 60 of 2019, which regulates Professional Master's Degrees (12).

 Opinion No. 977/65 of the Federal Council of Education, approved in December 1965, presents the history and concepts of postgraduate studies in Brazil. In this context, the area of concentration of the programs is defined as a specific field of knowledge, where the researcher will develop his/her object of study (11). Twenty-four areas of concentration were identified, when mapping the areas of concentration of the MP in nursing, the prevalence of the term "care" stood out in seven areas of concentration. The dimension of caring requires training and qualification of professionals to provide quality, effective and humanized care (7). The other areas are focused on primary health care, family health, women's health and maternal and child health, technology and innovation in nursing, teaching and research, management of health services and gerontology.

 The characterization of the 24 MP in nursing identified a total of 52 lines of research. Of this total, 20 have only two lines of research available, one has four lines of research and three have three lines of research. After identifying the content of the lines of research, it was found that nine MP courses in nursing have lines focused on health technologies in care, management of health services and work management; two courses offer lines in the area of women's and maternal and child health; two courses have a line in the area of teaching and education in health; one course has a line of research for the health of the Amazonian people; two courses have a line in primary health care; one course has a line in the health of the elderly; two courses have a line in surveillance and epidemiology and, finally, five courses have a line in nursing care.

 Although the consolidation of nursing PMs is progressive, in recent years the programs have faced challenges in developing their activities. According to CAPES (10), there were many obstacles faced by postgraduate programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even with nursing professionals on the front lines, they continued their activities. The programs adapted their activities and used digital platforms for teaching and learning. It is worth mentioning that it was necessary to train teachers to use these technologies. In addition to all these challenges, what most impacted the programs was the physical and mental illness of teachers, students and those who worked directly in care (10).

 It is important to mention a nursing MP course in the North region that focuses on advanced clinical practice in nursing. Master's degrees in advanced clinical practice represent a recent training modality for higher-level nursing professionals. The advanced practice nurse is defined as one with clinical skills, complex decision-making, and a specialized knowledge base, shaped by the context and country in which he/she works. In addition, this professional must be able to provide consulting services to health providers, implement and evaluate programs, being the first recognized reference (13).

 CAPES Ordinance No. 60 of 2019 establishes guidelines for professional master's and doctoral courses in Brazil. These programs aim to provide advanced training for professionals and transfer knowledge to society, seeking to meet social, economic, and organizational demands, in addition to promoting innovation and productivity in different sectors. In this sense, there are points of convergence between the Ordinance and the data presented. For example, both highlight the importance of advanced training to meet social and economic demands. Both the ordinance and the results obtained also recognize the need for innovation and productivity in the sectors in which professionals work, as well as the national validity of the qualifications obtained in courses positively evaluated by CAPES.

 Despite these challenges, nursing has evolved in the professional field and as a science. This epistemological growth is due to the search for specific knowledge that supports its performance in the promotion, maintenance and restoration of the health of the community in general (4).




This research highlights the notable growth of these courses in recent years, especially in the four-year period from 2017 to 2020. The presence of different areas of concentration, with emphasis on care and advanced practices in nursing, highlights the diversification and specialization of professional master's degrees in this area. The existence of approximately two lines of research per program indicates a plurality of approaches and study themes, demonstrating the scope and relevance of this level of training for the professional qualification of nurses.

 It is extremely important to channel investments to strengthen these courses, especially those that received a score of 3 by CAPES, while simultaneously improving the quality of the education offered. These targeted investments can contribute significantly to strengthening master's degrees in nursing, allowing greater access and excellence in the training of professionals qualified to meet the demands of the health area in the country.

 As a limitation of this study, it can be highlighted that studies regarding the subject are still incipient. Furthermore, it is possible to note the divergence of information related to the year of approval of the programs on the website and on the Sucupira platform, which made it difficult to search for and interpret the data. The analysis of these data can serve as a basis for guiding improvement and investment policies, aiming at strengthening the quality and relevance of this type of Stricto Sensu training in the context of Brazilian nursing.



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Nothing to declare.

Authorship criteria (author contributions)

1. Pedro Leite de Melo Filho contributed substantially to the conception and/or planning of the study;

2. Pedro Leite de Melo Filho in obtaining, analyzing and/or interpreting data;

3. Daiana Kloh Khalaf contributed to the writing and/or critical review and final approval of the published version;

4. Kariane Gomes Cezario Roscoche contributed to the writing and/or critical review and final approval of the published version;

5. Marcus Vinicius da Rocha Santos da Silva contributed to obtaining, analyzing and/or interpreting the data.

Declaration of conflict of interest

 Nothing to declare


Scientific Editor: Francisco Mayron Morais Soares. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7316-2519


Rev Enferm Atual In Derme 2025;99(Ed.Esp): e025008                    

 Atribuição CCBY